
Monday, September 27, 2010

Satisfying Sunday

Though we still had to put some time in for our "day jobs" today, John and I spent some quality time a week ago yesterday with the critters, too.  We went together that morning to do chores and to hang out for a bit with Daisy and Maddy. The morning was gorgeous:  a chilly, nearly-autumn morning with a floating fog.  Would it be such a bad thing to spend one's days enjoying such simplicity?

We've not been mowing the grass for weeks -- since school started actually.  Instead, we've decided to turn the responsibility over to Maddy and Daisy, especially since they had pretty much polished off all of the grass at "my place."  At the start of the Labor Day weekend, John and I set up an non-electrified hot wire across the back quarter of his lawn with the hopes that the girls would fall for the ploy and stay put.  My mom had come to stay with us Friday night, and when I went outside mid-evening Saturday to take her home, here were Maddy and Daisy in the driveway as though their escape were an everyday occurrence.  I couldn't believe they'd had the chutzpa to test the wire, but there they were nonetheless.  I ushered them back next door and shut up the fence between the yards figuring it wasn't worth trying to trick them.  John and I didn't allow them next door again until the next weekend.

This time, he set up the wire properly so it was fully electrified -- hot and ready for them.  I don't remember where we were headed, but we went outside and there Daisy was back in the driveway.  The only good news was that we quickly figured out that they hadn't been busting through the wire -- instead, Daisy had figured out that there was plenty of room for her to walk between John's garage and the fence between our properties.  Did we feel silly!  I wasn't sure what the solution would be, but John fixed up the gap and they've stayed put (knock on wood).

The only terrible thing is that my rose bushes had finally started to bloom all at once, and apparently freedom for Daisy meant a tasty snack.  Let's just say that I was guilty of uttering a few expletives when I saw the damage:

Since then, we've given them a little more room by moving the wire in John's yard.  If you look at the pictures below, you can see the line where the wire had previously been.

They even provide fertilizer!

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