
Saturday, January 8, 2011

Daisy Mae Update

Daisy has just over two and half months left until she's supposed to have her calf -- assuming everything goes okay.  I know John would agree when I say that I'm a bit obsessed with how she's progressing.  The not knowing is so much more challenging for me than the waiting even.  John is certain she's still pregnant, but every little thing makes me panic that she's not.  For example, one of the steer calves occasionally tries to mount her, which can be a sign of heat.  Daisy doesn't tolerate it, though, so I try not to worry too much.  (I did, however, read an old wives' tale today that says such behavior means Daisy will have a heifer calf -- or female -- because the extra progesterone that goes into making a heifer calf makes other cattle think Daisy's in heat.  Should we place bets on how likely that is?)

If there is a calf growing in there, it will increase the most in size over these last few months of the pregnancy.  Therefore, I'll try to remember to take pictures of Daisy every few weeks and post them in case you're able to see the difference.

We've had a fairly weather-filled winter, and it is amazing to see how much hair Daisy has put on since last summer.  She does really well in the snow, and it has amazed me how many people ask whether she gets to go inside when the weather is cold.  Alas, no.  All she and the calves get is more food when it gets particularly cold, and they hunker down in the hay.  Fresh snow does make for some cute pictures, though.

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